General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. Eisenhower's inaugural parade quot;1953quot;


General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. Eisenhower's inaugural parade quot;1953quot;


1) HA LS People lined up for parade along Pennsylvania Avenue. 2) HA LS Motorcycles coming down street in a V-formation. 3) HA LS Band dressed in orange jackets and black trousers passes. 4) HA LS Troops marching by. 5) HA LS President's car moving along. 6) HA LS Honor guard marches along, with State flags. 7) HA LS VIPs cars moving along down Pennsylvania Avenue. 8) HA LS Heads of the crowd watching the parade; people hanging from windows, fire escapes, etc. 9) HA LS West Point Cadets marching by (SV). 10) HA LS Band dressed like cowboys. 11) HA LS Horsemen, dressd Western style. 12) MS State flags. 13) CU Herbert Hoover's car as it passes left to right. 14) CU People in reviewing stands. 15) CU John F. Dulles in car waving to people. 16) CU VIPs car passing (SV). 17) MCU President Dwight Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower sitting in stand watching ceremonies. 18) CU Officials in the stands. 19) MCU President Eisenhower and Richard M. Nixon walk up, look around, pose for still pictures. 20) MS US Army contingent, march by, left to right. 21) CU Soldiers feet as they march by. 22) MS Color guard passes the camera left to right. 23) MLS Band marching toward the camera. 24) MS West Point Cadets march toward the camera. 25) CU Photographers along side lines. 26) MS Police band marching toward camera. 27) CU Police band director and a few of the players. 28) CU "Freedom to Worship" float passing left to right. 29) MS Women in the stands. 30) MS Negro girls in uniform marching toward the camera. 31) MS Men on horses. 32) MS Texas Rangerettes parading. 33) MS Men on horses carrying signs. 34) MS Men riding horses. 35) MS Stagecoach (miniature) being pulled by Shetland pony. 36) CU Men and women on horseback. 37) CU Sides of horses pass in front of camera. 38) MS Roy Rogers whirls rope, lassos President Eisenhower; PAN back to Rogers. 39) CU People in stands looking on. 40) CU Two Indian Chiefs. 41) CU California Indian carrying the California flag. 42) CU Drum majorette twirling three different batons at once. 43) CU Indian drum corp marching by camera. 44) CU Float from Delaware. 45) CU Women cheering. 46) CU Pennsylvania National Guard carrying banner. 47) CU Band from Pennsylvania marching by. 48) CU Band members feet as they march by. 49) CU Officials pass. 50) CU Float from New Jersey passing left to right. 51) CU South American flag followed by band. 52) CU Navy cadets marching by. 53) CU Navy band marching by. 54) CU Officers leading band. 55) CU Navy cadets marching by; PAN down to their feet; PAN up to look down the ranks (SV). 56) CU Float from Georgia. 57) MS Men marching by. Crowd in stands watching.

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